How Bloggers and Website Owners Can Get Top Search Engine Rankings Even With Penguin 2.1 In Place
When Penguin 2.1, the new algorithm update from Google, was issued earlier this year, there were many website and blog owners who were worried their days would be numbered. The changes issued not only wiped out a great deal of spam from the Google search engine results, but it also impacted a number of blogs and websites as well; particularly new, growing sites that were still looking to find search engine success. While these changes have been disheartening for many, the good news is that there are ways that these smaller entities can still get search engine ranking success even with the new Penguin 2.1 changes in place.
The first and most important thing to keep in mind with Penguin 2.1 SEO tactics is quality content. Even with the changes issued by Google, content is still king in the world of SEO. For those who are unable to create their own, high-quality content, outsourcing this to other professionals is essential for finding success within the industry. Quality content is about more than proper spelling and grammar, it means creating engaging and compelling online content that is completely unique, is more than 350 words and includes natural sounding targeted keywords. The process of creating Penguin 2.1-friendly content is becoming increasingly difficult, but there are many SEO professionals who have been doing their homework and who have created new strategies for developing content that will find success within the Penguin 2.1 world.
All content should be entirely handwritten in order for it to find success with Google’s latest changes. There was a time when spun content was rising in popularity, but now with these new algorithmic roll outs, this content has virtually no value. Finding success with Penguin 2.1 means having original content that is at least 350 words in length and that includes the right type of keywords. When it comes to keyword implementation with the new Penguin 2.1, it is not the amount of keywords that are included in a text, but the quality of the keywords that are important.
In the past, the focus of social media content has always been on creating high volumes of keyword stuffed content. This is exactly the type of content that Google is currently dismissing with Penguin 2.1. The new key to success is subtle keyword inclusion and quality content.
However, this is not where the process stops.mPart of the changes that have been implemented with the new Google roll outs also include an emphasis on social media. Having expert ‘social media signals’ implemented into back linking is a great way to strengthen authority and increase the popularity of content. This includes backlinks that will share information with Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and help create a certain amount of social buzz around a company or content. This is one of the best ways to stabilize rankings with SEO.
While many have been confused by the changes brought on with Penguin 2.1, it is clear that these changes are meant to evolve with the times and with current online trends. A focus on quality content, engaging material and social media centered links, are all part of Penguin 2.1, and all part of the new approach that website owners need to take if they want to find SEO success in the future.